About Chrissy

Christin, nickname Chrissy, has obtained a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from UNC-Charlotte and her Masters in Human Nutrition from Winthrop University. She became a registered dietitian in 2008. During her years in higher education she also became a Quality Matters Certified Instructor through UNC-Charlotte. Christin decided to pursue sports nutrition as a focus and became a Board-Certified Sports Dietitian with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in 2019. Upon entering private practice, she completed Training with the Embodied Recovery Institute for Eating Disorders (ERED). ERED is a trauma-informed, relationally oriented, and neurobiologically supported approach to the treatment of eating disorders that weaves modalities and interventions based on the latest research in traumatology, interpersonal neurobiology, and child development.

 Christin has spent the last nine years teaching nutrition at UNC-Charlotte (Nutrition for Nursing) and the past five years at Queens University of Charlotte(Nutrition for Sport Performance, Diet Culture You Suck, Freshmen Roadmap). At Queens University she worked with athletics as their sports dietitian and founded the sports nutrition internship for undergraduate students. Christin has had experiences in the clinical setting, health and wellness setting and foodservice throughout the career as a Registered Dietitian. As a certified fitness instructor, Christin has taught a variety of classes that included cycle, strength, 5K running groups, sprint triathlon groups, small group personal training and cardio combo classes. 

Christin operates on the foundation that every single person has what they need inside them to heal. Pulling from different modalities that include research, experience, somatic processing and experiencing, occupational therapy, motivational interviewing and trauma informed care she works alongside patients to help increase their capacity for discernment with their felt body. 

Christin offers low-cost and free learning options through her blog and social media accounts. She sees 10% of her patients pro-bono or at a rate they can pay based on their financial situation. Christin does not support weight loss products, programs. She is a registered dietitian with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. This organization’s credentialing allows her to provide services as a credentialed RD and accept insurance. Unfortunately, this organization still promotes intentional weight loss and medicalization of obesity. Christin speaks openly about the hurt this has caused her and how she inflicted hurt in her early years as a weight loss RD. Christin pays all independent contractors and prioritizes businesses that are female owned, BIPOC owned, fat people owned and LGBTQIA safe.


 Let’s connect!

You can also contact me through Second Breakfast Nutrition!